Tardigrades – Why do many scientists bring these microbes to outer space to study?

Image Credits: 3d Stock/Shutterstock I am sure that most of you have heard of this resilient microbe that frequently gained quite the attention from numerous news sites. Especially when researchers first discovered that it could withstand hazards that would usually kill normal creatures with ease.  What is abnormal about Targidrades or more commonly known as the water bear and mossContinue reading “Tardigrades – Why do many scientists bring these microbes to outer space to study?”

Here are the 7 weirdest deep-sea creatures with quirky abilities

The deep sea is the single biggest living space on the planet. It could well be where life first began and it makes life possible everywhere else. -Helen Scales, marine biologist, writer and broadcaster Cover image credits to respective owners By Mohd Amirul Faisal I traveled to South Africa before the pandemic struck the worldContinue reading “Here are the 7 weirdest deep-sea creatures with quirky abilities”

Kenali 4 jenis lipas yang lebih cantik (dan tidak geli) daripada yang anda selalu jumpa di rumah.

Cover photo credits: mamekosato1 Oleh Mohd Amirul Faisal Penulis boleh agak yang mesti ramai daripada anda yang terkejut apabila membaca tajuk artikel ini. Setiap kali terserempak dengan lipas di rumah, spray atau apa-apa pemukul lipas sudah pun berada di pergelangan tangan. Memang tidak dinafikan lipas merupakan serangga perosak yang sudah biasa hidup di kawasan petempatanContinue reading “Kenali 4 jenis lipas yang lebih cantik (dan tidak geli) daripada yang anda selalu jumpa di rumah.”

Siput hanya sekadar haiwan perosak?

Image by Krzysztof Niewolny from Pixabay Oleh Mohd Amirul Faisal Sering kali kita hendak menyiram bunga ataupun menyebarkan baja, kita terserempak dengan beberapa ekor siput yang sedang memakan daun pokok tumbuhan dengan penuh kegigihan. Tidak kisahlah sama ada petani ataupun sesiapa yang gemar berkebun, siput merupakan antara haiwan perosak yang paling tidak diingini dalam kawasanContinue reading “Siput hanya sekadar haiwan perosak?”

The biggest fish that has ever lived is a filter feeder.

Cover image credits: Dmitry Bogdanov/ CC BY 3.0 By Mohd Amirul Faisal Whale sharks and manta rays are like giant gliders that swim elegantly throughout the world’s oceanic currents. They are also some of the largest fish that are still inhabiting the Earth’s oceans. However, they are minnows compared to a much larger specimen thatContinue reading “The biggest fish that has ever lived is a filter feeder.”

Jerung berkepala khinzir ditangkap di Pulau Elba, Itali.

Image credits: The Mega Agency Oleh Mohd Amirul Faisal Kehidupan di lautan dalam tidak pernah buat kita rasa terkejut selepas pelbagai jenis spesies haiwan laut pelik dijumpai saban tahun. Baru-baru ini, sekumpulan pelayar di kepulauan Elba di perairan Itali amat tercengang apabila mereka menangkap seekor ikan jerung yang menyerupai muka khinzir secara tidak sengaja. AdakahContinue reading “Jerung berkepala khinzir ditangkap di Pulau Elba, Itali.”

Spider tailed-viper – bringing luring techniques to a whole new level

The evolution of luring is more complex than contrasting color or simple shaking – Kurt Schwenk, Evolutionary Biology Professor at the University of Connecticut By Mohd Amirul Faisal It’s all about survival of the fittest in the natural world where animals need to have effective strategies to face whatever unprecedented circumstances that may befall them.Continue reading “Spider tailed-viper – bringing luring techniques to a whole new level”

Is the Quetzalcoatlus truly the largest flying animal?

Cover Image credits to Eldar Zakirov By Mohd Amirul Faisal The ability to fly is quite a groundbreaking trait even for the first complex organisms that first appeared 570 million years ago. Since animals possessing the ability to fly can soar freely throughout the Earth’s vast atmosphere. And flying is not only restricted to birds. Insects areContinue reading “Is the Quetzalcoatlus truly the largest flying animal?”

Dari KELIP-KELIP kepada lampu mesra alam

Oleh Mohd Amirul Faisal Alangkah baiknya jika setiap taman dan kediaman rumah kita penuh dengan kelip-kelip yang sungguh cantik mata memandang. Cahaya yang dihasilkan daripada serangga unik ini sudah cukup untuk membuat kita memukau dengan tarian cahaya mereka. Bagi yang pernah melawat ke Kampung Kuantan Firefly Park yang berpusat di Kuala Selangor, memang tidak dinafikanContinue reading “Dari KELIP-KELIP kepada lampu mesra alam”

Sharks with remarkable superpowers

By Mohd Amirul Faisal In most cases, sharks are always portrayed as the main villain in monster B-movies. I have yet to see studios utilizing the opportunity to make sharks as misunderstood living entities that play a significant role towards the ecosystem of our planet. Regardless, hilariously terrible movies like Sharknado frequently feature mutant sharksContinue reading “Sharks with remarkable superpowers”

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